Repairs & Services

  • Integration and repairs of all accessories will take place on our own workplace - and independent from others- , the work is performed by our specialised technici. 

  •  the newest accessories :  solar panels, fuelcells, gps, satelite antenna, can-and profibussystems are routine actions for our people. 

  • The repairs, the adjustments, the renovations of your equipment, the accessories is executed by our professional team. 
    Our knowledge in this matters give us the opportunity to work preventif and predictif so that the reliability is always guaranteed. 
  • We offer a correct service with warranty for each brand of motorhome. 
  • Our specialisation lies for more than 30 years  in all  auto-electricity-electronics en electromechanical stearings with control systems.


Make an appointment for your reparations using this  contactform!